Saturday, October 15, 2011

Summer Shenanigans

Well this past summer has been very eventful for me. I finished my first year of college. Got suspended from college. Yes, the smart Heather Mendenhall got suspended from college because she didn't have a high enough GPA. I know many of you who know me won't be able to believe it, but then again maybe some of you saw it coming. Anyways, just a heads up for those of you getting ready to go to college, college is HARD! Don't be ashamed to go to tutoring just because everyone assumes that you are smart. It's SMART to get help when you need it! Trust me if I had gotten Help with the classes that I struggled in I might still be in college right now.
Anyways, before I got the lovely news that I was no longer welcome at NAU until I improved my GPA I was again working for my Aunt Kylee at her Day Care for the summer and living with her as well. After I got the wonderful letter that added an enormous amount of stress in the form of, "Crap how do I tell Mom and Dad?" I finally came to the decision that I would remain in Cottonwood, AZ and work for my Aunt and live with my friend Miriam. Who is Awesome by the way.
So for the past few months I have been living on my own (so to speak), paying bills, going to work, and living the adult life up. Well in the Heather Mendenhall way, which as many of you know is very quite but I like it. My roommates are; Miriam who is amazing, Sean: Miriam's boyfriend, and Emerald: Miriam's 15 month old daughter, who is SUPER cute and adorable! Living with them has it's ups and downs but overall it pretty good. But Miriam and I always knew that me living with her was going to be temporary. And as of right now Miriam is looking for a new apartment because Miriam wants Emerald to have her own room. Which is understandable. Emerald is getting big and Miriam and Sean want their own space. Many of you might think well that's wrong they're totally kicking you out. But not really because I was already thinking about going home in January. I just hadn't told Miriam that. She saved me from dropping that bomb by telling me she was in the process of finding somewhere else to live.
So now I'm moving back home once Miriam finds another apartment and I won't be living on my own any more. But even while living with my Mom I'll still just be Me Being Me.

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